Thursday 28 August 2014

Tuesday night darts - Game 4 of 14 - The Tavern vs ACDC

The home match this week was against the all girl team of ACDC. I've played against this team before and remember it well as it was the first time I'd lost to a girl. I was determined not to let that happen this time.

The evening started well for me when I checked out in the first dart in our triples game to give us a 1-0 lead. I then repeated this in the first leg of the doubles, another first dart checkout! I was on fire! We went on to win that match and take a comfortable 4-1 lead before the singles had even started. 

I was the 6th match in the singles and feeling pretty pleased with my performance relaxed and had a few beers....... you can guess what happened next.

By the time my game was up we had already won the match and I was pretty merry. It didn't start well. I was up against there captain who was pretty good. I really sucked in the first leg which she won comfortably. I needed to win the next two legs. I'm pleased to say my form returned and I comfortably won the next leg. The final leg decider was very close. It came down to who could hit the double first, sadly it wasn't me and I lost again... to a girl.

I'm not disappointed because she was good and deserved to win. 

Anyway we won the match and are still top of the league.

We have a one week break now as there is a public holiday next week. But when we return we are away at the spotted cow bar in district 1 again our title rivals 'An Udder Team'. I will be going on holiday next week but plan to get my training in so I don't let the team down!!

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