Friday 29 August 2014

Holiday tomorrow - Sa Pa, Vietnam

I've just finished another semester at work so have booked the following week as holiday. I'm pleased to say that we are going to a place in the north of Vietnam called Sa Pa.

This is one of the places I have been looking forward to visiting the most since I arrived but I'm only just getting around to doing it.

We fly to Hanoi tomorrow afternoon then catch an overnight train north. The train journey is about 9 hours and takes us to Sa Pa, located in the mountains not far from the border with China.

It's supposed to be beautiful with excellent scenery with cloudy mountains, rice fields, great walks and lower temperatures. It's located about 1500m above sea level and at the moment around 19 degrees which will be lovely since it hasn't been below 27 degrees here for a long time. I may even get to wear my fleece.


It's been a very long semester at work, I changed to teach a new level which meant a lot more learning and planning. It's a nice feeling to have finished and it will be easier when I repeated the course next semester.

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