Wednesday 6 August 2014

Tuesday night darts - Game 1 of 14 - Black Magic vs The Tavern

The return of Tuesday night darts! Yesterday was the first match in the new season of the Saigon International darts league. It was my first time meeting the team and my first game in about 18 months (I've not played much since then either). our first game was an away fixture at Voodoo bar in district 1 against the equally spooky named 'Black magic'.

Voodoo bar in District 1
I started warming up with my team and could instantly tell they were better than my last team. I warmed up with them trying my best to not look rusty. 

Voodoo bar..... Spooky!
I was put into the triples, doubles and singles games straight way. The first two triples matches were one leg of 701. My team lost the first match and I was up in the second game. It was a close match (no thanks to me) and I didn't play great so when it was my turn to check us out I wasn't expecting much but then on my third dart I hit the double and we won! great stuff.

Darts action at Voodoo bar

Next was 3 games of 501 doubles, best of 3 legs. I was partnered with a pretty good player and I'm pleased to report we won that too. He checked out both times which was just as well as I was still playing awful and it would have taken me ages to hit a double.

Darts action at Voodoo bar

Then it was the singles matches. There were 6 games of 501 with the best of three legs. I was 3rd up on the oche. Straight away I was playing rubbish, hitting some pretty pitiful scores and to make it worse the other guy was playing a lot better. I lost the first leg but did get a few darts at checking out. The second leg I played a bit better but the other guy was still better than me. He got down to checking out but was struggling to hit the double. When I did get down to checking out I was still in the game. Great news as I hit my double on the first dart! 1 game all!.

Me sporting my new 'the tavern' darts t-shirt

In the final leg I played a lot better. I managed to keep ahead of the other chap and it went down to who could check out first. I'm pleased to report that after 4 attempts at a double I checked out and won the match 2-1!

Even better news was that every single player in my team won their match and we won the evening 10-2. This is a bit of a thumping and puts us top of the league!!

Logo on my t-shirt
The rest of my team are pretty good. I think I got out of jail last night and I don't want to let the team down so need to practice. I think I'm the weakest player and as we may well be going for the championship I don't want to mess it up or get cut from the team. Anyway, it was a great start to the season!

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