Sunday 31 August 2014

View form our Hotel in Sapa, Vietnam

As you can see the view from our bedroom window was lovely. We had a cracking view of the mountains and rice fields. Because we are so high in the mountains we would get cloud that rolls in so you cant see anything but then an hour later it will be clear. 

 It was really nice to wake up to every morning. It was also very cool to with temperature down to 13 degrees!!!!

Saturday 30 August 2014

The Journey to Sapa

We've just arrived in Sapa after a very long frustrating journey. I think its taken us a day in total. We half to fly to Hanoi, get the taxi to thee train station, take the overnight train to a town near Sapa then an hour bus ride to Sapa town. I think its taken us about a day in total.

The journey was a bit stressful as our airline decided to delay our flight but 2.5 hours which meant we were would be very close to missing our train. Then we got a taxi from the airport to the train station. We told our taxi driver we were in a rush and instead of getting us there as quickly as possible he used this information to try to extort more money from us telling us he would make sure we get there is we paid him more money... W@nker. Its things like this that motivate me to learn Vietnamese so I can swear at them. Vietnamese Southerners say that people who live in the north of Vietnam are less friendly and so far from my two trips to Hanoi I'm inclined to believe them. 

Me on the sleeper train
Anyway, we managed to catch a later train to avoid paying the extortioner which was a big hassle to organize over the phone. The rest of the journey was quite nice. We got a lovely sleeper to take us to the town near Sapa. The sleeper was about 10 hours and I slept the whole way.

Once we were in the town we needed to get a bus to Sapa, which is about an hours journey. We were met by the usual touts who offer to take you there who when you ask how much they ask you to name them a price. We were offered a trip there for 300,000 each ($15 each) after telling them it was too expensive and the local bus was a lot cheaper they told us the local bus was the same price. I wasn't it was 29,000 each ($1.30) - the usual lies and annoyances you have to put up with when travelling. We opted for the local bus and not robin hood.

Well, I'm in Sapa now and its lovely.

Friday 29 August 2014

Holiday tomorrow - Sa Pa, Vietnam

I've just finished another semester at work so have booked the following week as holiday. I'm pleased to say that we are going to a place in the north of Vietnam called Sa Pa.

This is one of the places I have been looking forward to visiting the most since I arrived but I'm only just getting around to doing it.

We fly to Hanoi tomorrow afternoon then catch an overnight train north. The train journey is about 9 hours and takes us to Sa Pa, located in the mountains not far from the border with China.

It's supposed to be beautiful with excellent scenery with cloudy mountains, rice fields, great walks and lower temperatures. It's located about 1500m above sea level and at the moment around 19 degrees which will be lovely since it hasn't been below 27 degrees here for a long time. I may even get to wear my fleece.


It's been a very long semester at work, I changed to teach a new level which meant a lot more learning and planning. It's a nice feeling to have finished and it will be easier when I repeated the course next semester.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Tuesday night darts - Game 4 of 14 - The Tavern vs ACDC

The home match this week was against the all girl team of ACDC. I've played against this team before and remember it well as it was the first time I'd lost to a girl. I was determined not to let that happen this time.

The evening started well for me when I checked out in the first dart in our triples game to give us a 1-0 lead. I then repeated this in the first leg of the doubles, another first dart checkout! I was on fire! We went on to win that match and take a comfortable 4-1 lead before the singles had even started. 

I was the 6th match in the singles and feeling pretty pleased with my performance relaxed and had a few beers....... you can guess what happened next.

By the time my game was up we had already won the match and I was pretty merry. It didn't start well. I was up against there captain who was pretty good. I really sucked in the first leg which she won comfortably. I needed to win the next two legs. I'm pleased to say my form returned and I comfortably won the next leg. The final leg decider was very close. It came down to who could hit the double first, sadly it wasn't me and I lost again... to a girl.

I'm not disappointed because she was good and deserved to win. 

Anyway we won the match and are still top of the league.

We have a one week break now as there is a public holiday next week. But when we return we are away at the spotted cow bar in district 1 again our title rivals 'An Udder Team'. I will be going on holiday next week but plan to get my training in so I don't let the team down!!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Tuesday night darts - Game 3 of 14 - Phattys Phukker vs The Tavern

Match three of the Saigon International Darts league took us to Phattys Bar in District 1 of Ho Chi Minh City. This was our second away fixture and would see us play Phattys Phukkers who had lost their first two matches.

Phatty's bar in district 1
The match was 1-1 after the two triples game. We lost my match with my team failing to even get a chance to check out before they did. This moved us along to doubles. Fortunately I was put with our best player again who carried me through this match. We won it 2-0 where again I left him the honors of checking out both times. Saying that I did play alright but he is far better than me. 

Darts action at Phatty's
I was 5th up in the singles and the match was at 5-4 so we needed two of the final three matches to win or only one to draw. The pressure was on. Fortunately by this time my opponent, who we had already beaten in the doubles, was a bit pissed. 

Darts action at Phatty's
I'm pleased to say I took full advantage of his condition and won the game 2-0. I scored much better than him and got to checking out much before he did in both legs. The game did not pass without controversy though. In the second leg although I got to trying to check out before he did he did check out but unfortunately it he was aiming for the wrong double. He was a bit upset. Shortly after I checked out.

Phatty's bar in district 1
Even better news was that we won the other singles game to which made the last game a dead rubber game. This is just as well as we lost it but won on match 7-5. So, I've won 2 and lost 1 but more importantly my team has won three out of three! We are still top of the league. The dream continues. Next week we are back at home against the all girls team AC-DC!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Tuesday night darts - Game 2 of 14 - The Tavern vs Tequila Toros

Last night was my first home match for my new darts team at The Tavern in District 7. We were up again another team that won last week made up of Philippine and Vietnamese players. I'd got a little bit of practise in since last weeks victory as I was keen for my streak to continue.

Top darts action at the Tavern
I'm sad to report that I lost my singles match. I went down 2-0. I didn't play great and had loads of chances to check out but just couldn't do it. I was very disappointing. I can't complain because the other guy was a lot better than me too. 

Top darts action at the Tavern
The good news is that my team won overall 7-5 so we are currently sitting at the top of the league (not much thanks to me). Some other good news is that I did win my doubles match, checking out in the process. 

I was also given another darts t-shirt. It turns out that we have a home and away kit! Red for home matches and black for away games. Anyway, more practise is needed before next week.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Tuesday night darts - Game 1 of 14 - Black Magic vs The Tavern

The return of Tuesday night darts! Yesterday was the first match in the new season of the Saigon International darts league. It was my first time meeting the team and my first game in about 18 months (I've not played much since then either). our first game was an away fixture at Voodoo bar in district 1 against the equally spooky named 'Black magic'.

Voodoo bar in District 1
I started warming up with my team and could instantly tell they were better than my last team. I warmed up with them trying my best to not look rusty. 

Voodoo bar..... Spooky!
I was put into the triples, doubles and singles games straight way. The first two triples matches were one leg of 701. My team lost the first match and I was up in the second game. It was a close match (no thanks to me) and I didn't play great so when it was my turn to check us out I wasn't expecting much but then on my third dart I hit the double and we won! great stuff.

Darts action at Voodoo bar

Next was 3 games of 501 doubles, best of 3 legs. I was partnered with a pretty good player and I'm pleased to report we won that too. He checked out both times which was just as well as I was still playing awful and it would have taken me ages to hit a double.

Darts action at Voodoo bar

Then it was the singles matches. There were 6 games of 501 with the best of three legs. I was 3rd up on the oche. Straight away I was playing rubbish, hitting some pretty pitiful scores and to make it worse the other guy was playing a lot better. I lost the first leg but did get a few darts at checking out. The second leg I played a bit better but the other guy was still better than me. He got down to checking out but was struggling to hit the double. When I did get down to checking out I was still in the game. Great news as I hit my double on the first dart! 1 game all!.

Me sporting my new 'the tavern' darts t-shirt

In the final leg I played a lot better. I managed to keep ahead of the other chap and it went down to who could check out first. I'm pleased to report that after 4 attempts at a double I checked out and won the match 2-1!

Even better news was that every single player in my team won their match and we won the evening 10-2. This is a bit of a thumping and puts us top of the league!!

Logo on my t-shirt
The rest of my team are pretty good. I think I got out of jail last night and I don't want to let the team down so need to practice. I think I'm the weakest player and as we may well be going for the championship I don't want to mess it up or get cut from the team. Anyway, it was a great start to the season!

Sunday 3 August 2014

The return of Tuesday night darts

Some great news to report. My old darts captain looked me up on Facebook the other day to enquire as to whether or not I'd be interested in playing darts for a new team on a Tuesday night. I've not seen him since my old darts team, the blue gecko split up about 18 months ago. It turns out that since this time he has been playing for another team called 'the Tavern' and has worked his way up to vice captain. The new season is due to start in a week or so and at the end of last season they lost a few players so he asked me to play.

The Tavern in District 7
By all accounts the team is pretty good and narrowly missed promotion last season on legs won difference. The team as I said is called 'The Tavern' and even better news is that they play their home games at the pub of the same name which is 5 minutes from my house!

The Tavern in District 7
I'm a bit worried that I wont be able to perform as I've not been playing as much as I'm used to. I better get practising as the first game is Tuesday.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Monday night football in Saigon

Just thought I'd share this football picture that we had taken at football on Monday night - You can see me here on the end wearing my Cambodian football shirt. As I've said before football is very popular in Vietnam and the city has numerous 5,6 and 7 a side pitches. Also with Facebook groups and the large number of expats here, people are arranging a kick-about on most nights of the week. I've been playing football on Monday night on and off since I arrived three years ago. 

It was started by people at my old language school but as people come and go (usually staying for 1 - 2 years) the participants change but we still have great fun. I also play on Sundays and I'm aware of games on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays too but twice a week is enough for my legs at my age.