Monday 20 January 2014

Parents coming for TET

Good news, in a few weeks time it is the Vietnamese holiday of TET. They celebrate the new year in line with Chinese new year which goes by the lunar calendar. Basically, I get two weeks off work and everything shuts for about 5 days in Vietnam so its a good excuse to go on holiday!

More good news is that my parents are visiting for TET. I'm planning on showing them around HCMC for a new days then taking them to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat before moving onto Bangkok. We will finally be flying to Phuket for 5 nights after which we will come back to HCMC when TET is over for a few days. 

Its going to be interesting showing my parents around Asia. They've never been here before so it may be a bit of a culture shock but I've got a lot planned to keep them busy.

P.S - By the way, next year is the year of the horse which is the same animal as the year I was born. I'm not really sure what this means or if it's good or bad. Frankly I doubt it really means anything you could prove but hey, I'm a horse..

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