Monday 27 January 2014

Angkor Wat revisited (x3) with my parents!!!

Just finished a quick two day visit to Angkor Wat with my parents. Well it was really only one day as the other was spent on a bus. a little over 15 hours it took to get here from HCMC. The road between Phnom Penh and Siem Reap was being repaired and was in a right state. It was thick red dust which was coming into the bus through the fans. I can't say I enjoyed that but my parents did. They liked seeing 'life go by' and the people of Cambodia going about their business.

Me striking a well cool pose

 Angkor Wat was as impressive as ever. Personally I find the temples fascinating and the area they are in peaceful despite all the tourists. I love the town of Siem Reap as well. I'd be tempted to come back here and just hangout. 

Face on the Bayon Temple
 Its the third time I've been to Cambodia now and I still think they are collectively the nicest people I've ever met. I brought a Cambodia football kit which I'll look forward to using when my knees up to it. Again I think my parents liked it.

Tomorrow we get the bus to Bangkok, It will be the first time I'm going back to where it all began!! The journey will be long again - about 8 hours but after this there are no more long journeys.

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