Saturday 11 January 2014

Knee fixed - out of hospital

I've just come home from my knee operation at FV Hospital in Vietnam. It all went well and my knee has been repaired. I had two problems with my knee. There was cartilage tear which needed shaving and a resection of my lateral meniscus.

My knee is a bit swollen and I'll be on crutches for a about a week but overall it's not too bad. I had a spinal anesthesia which means I was awake whilst they did the operation. It was a really bizarre experience and being injected in the spine was not pleasant. I definitely prefer being knocked out. I had my own room with a telly and Internet so was quite comfortable. I've also been given some physiotherapy exercises to be doing to help with my recovery.

I got some really nice souvenir pictures of the inside of my knee. I'm not really sure what I'm looking at and it could be a picture of a number of things in fairness. 

I should be back to work on Monday so this weekend I'll be relaxing.

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