Sunday 27 March 2016

First day in Taipei

We found our accommodation easily enough and managed to work out the metro which I think we will be using all the time. Today we went to Longsham temple and Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial hall. 

I think we got lucky as when we arrived there was a ceremony going on with long of Buddhist singing, chanting and preying. There were hundreds of people there all burning incense sticks, buying gifts and putting them on tables.

After a bit of lunch we went to a place called Chang Kai-Memorial hall. This is an area with some really big building built after the military and political leader - Chiang Kai-Shek.

It was quite a nice place to hangout in and you could climb to the top of one of the big building to see a big statue of Chiang Kai-Shek which was guarded by men with guns.


After this we were pretty tired from our long night so went to a park called Daan park. So far I'm really impressed with how organized and nice Taipei is. It was nice and relaxing and there were lots of people exercising. Excited about tomorrow as we will be going to see Taipei 101!!!

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