Sunday 20 March 2016

RMIT Staff football match 2016

Back during the world cup at 2014 we had a staff football match which I wrote about on this blog. If you want to read about it click the link.

We were long overdue for another game and on Friday last week we had a match. Non teaching staff vs teaching staff. Since most of the non teaching staff are Vietnamese it was basically westerners vs Vietnamese. 

I arranged our team and managed to get a good squad for 15 players. The non teaching staff took the easy route and got lots of students to play in their team. So basically they cheated. I think our teams average age was mid 30s whilst theirs was early 20s.

Anyway, grumbling a side we had a good match which, despite favoritism being shown by the Vietnamese officials, just as last time it finished in a draw (2-2). We again had a penalty shootout but this time we lost. It was a nice event, we all had a good time and want to try and arrange this a bit more often.

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