Tuesday 29 March 2016

Day 3 in Taipei, Taiwan. Elephant mountain and Ximen shopping

Today we went for a hike in the hills and to the main shopping area in Taipei. As I said previously Taipei has hills and mountains around it. At the end of one of the metro stops, Xianghan, is a hiking trail called 'Elephant mountain'. It's highly recommended as it gives great views o the city. As you can see from the photos they were pretty impressive.

There were lots of routes to take and lots of steps but it wasn't too challenging. Certainly not like that bloody volcano I went up in Indonesia.

The higher you got the better the view and all of them had a view of Taipei 101 in it.

It is such a cool thing to be able to do in a big city and something lacking from Ho Chi Minh City. There were lots of locals hanging out and enjoying the views.

After an enjoyable morning and afternoon doing this we went to the main shopping area called Ximen. I'm not much of a shopper but like to see there places.

It was really cool to walk around the area and see how its different to other places.Since its been a bit cold and I didn't bring a jumper with me, I had to do some shopping and managed to find a reasonably priced jumper.

I didn't buy anything else.

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