Tuesday 1 March 2016

Interesting toilet

On the way back from the seaside we stopped for a coconut and one of the various roadside shacks. This was a nice break as I got to lay in a hammock. It was right by the jungle and nice and peaceful.

Lady servicing us coconut.

Nice relaxing hammocks
Jungle from my hammock

Jungle from my hammock
The most interesting part came when I needed the toilet. This is probably the coolest toilet I've ever seen. I think the pictures speak for themselves. I was shown to the back of the shack and there it was.

The toilet

The walk to the toilet

The hole, someone had already missed!

View from the toilet
As you can see, I needed to walk along some wood to a construction over the river that had a hole in it to do your business through. I'm just glad I only needed to do a number one. There wasn't really any privacy.

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