Wednesday 30 March 2016

Yangminshan National Park, North Taiwan

Today is our last day in Taipei before we move to the east coast and one of the most famous national parks in Taiwan, Taroko, anyway, more about that later as today we took the metro and bus to another national park just north of Taipei called Yangminshan.

It only took about an hour to get there and was pretty straight forward. This national park is up in the hills and they grow lots of flowers and have Japanese cherry blossoms. At the moment they are in water lily season.

It was a nice place and good to walk around. Its very scenic and I've never seen so many water lily's in my life.

As well as lots of flowers there are lots of hiking trails. We walked one that went a few mile from the main flower place back to the car park. It was great as it went through the forest. 

It would have been nice to spend more time here are there is a great hike up one of the mountains that would have taken an afternoon or morning to complete. Again, this is such a good things to have so close to the city center.

So tomorrow morning we are getting a train to the east coast of Taiwan. We will probably come back to Taipei in a few days as there is still lots to see and do.

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