Thursday 25 September 2014

Tuesday night darts – Game 7 of 14 – B.I.A vs The Tavern

This week we played B.I.A at their home ground - a place called Gartenstadt - which will be remembered by me for selling the most overpriced beer in the city. It was nearly three dollars to a can (yes, a can not even draft) of tiger. Even the water was 2 dollars for a small bottle. Ridiculous prices for Vietnam. Anyway on to the darts.

Again, I wasn't playing well I lost my triples but my partner carried me through our doubles. In my singles match I was given a favorable tie against one of there weaker player. I was outscoring him, playing rather well and won the first leg. Sadly in the next two legs although I continued to score well I couldn't hit a double and consequently lost the match.

Good news was that although I contributed nothing to our team I did get 3+ scored and our team won. Even more good news is that our titles rivals drew so at the halfway stage of the season we are clearly top of the league!!!

So, goodbye to Gartenstadt - a pub I will never voluntarily visit again. Next week we start the second half of the season

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