Wednesday 10 September 2014

Tuesday night darts – Game 5 of 14 – An Udder team vs The Tavern

So, it was back from holiday, back to work and back to business in the Saigon International Darts league. This week we were away at the Spotted Cow, a bar I took my mum and Dad to when they visited Saigon due to their very tasty burgers. Our match was against ‘an udder team’ who were second in the table. This was a top of the table clash!

It didn’t start very well. We lost 4 of the first 5 matches (doubles and triples) which meant they only needed 3 of the remaining 7 games to win. Our team were pretty much all round playing badly. Myself included. I don’t think the weeks break had done us any good. Me and my partner lost our first ever doubles match to the pub landlord and their only lady player. She checked out in both legs and they played much better than us.

Anyway onto the singles matches, I was third up and was put against the girl who had just beaten us in the doubles. It seemed very likely that I would be getting back to back singles defeats against a girl. Our two best players won their matches which brought the score to 4-3. It was very important that I won my match.

This girl was very good at darts. She was also only about 5ft tall. Darts is probably one of the very few sports she would be able to beat me at due to her size. With her playing so well and me not playing well I wasn't very confident.

Miraculously I started to play well again and I’m pleased to say I won the match 2-0! I also scored a 140 which I was pretty chuffed with. Even more importantly my pride is intact for another week at least.

We had managed, as a team to bring the score back to 6-5 at the end of the singles so had the chance to snatch a draw with one game to go. Sadly it wasn’t to be. We lost the final game and lost the match 7-5. However it was a cracking atmosphere and very tense on both sides due to the importance of the match.

It will be a great rematch when we play them again later in the season. We are still top of the league but only on legs won. There is still a long way to go in the season.

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