Tuesday 2 September 2014

Sapa, the tribe people and visiting their villages.

Sapa is very well known for it's hill tribes. The H'mong people still live on the mountains in places and lead a very simple life. They come down from the hills and are everywhere in the town selling their stuff and always wear there traditional clothes. There are loads of really cute kids. You frequently see the children carrying babies on their backs. Apparently in the tribes the children start working from the age of 5 years old. This was pretty evident from them selling things on the street which was not very nice. 

There are numerous markets where they sell the materials that they make which are actually quite nice. 

We did some trekking to visit some of the tribe villages. The houses were very basic and one of the villages even had a Shaman! I didn't go and see him. You get followed by the tribe people everywhere as they constantly try and sell you stuff. There English is quite good though.

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