Sunday 15 September 2013

The great flood in ILA's teacher room - part 3

As I've told you before we get some pretty impressive rain storms here and at the moment rainy season is in full swing. As our school building is relatively new the dodgy built Vietnamese buildings have there weaknesses hopelessly exposed by these storms. Our school was no acceptation.

Like a shower in the room
This is the third time our teacher support centre (where we do all our planning) has flooded.

The first time was because when the building was built in dry season (when it never rains) it turns out they either forgot or didn't think the roof would need waterproofing - that was a special day. The second flood, a few days later, was because they didn't repair the roof properly the first time and now it turns out that the third flood, pictured above, was caused by a paper plate blocking the guttering (yep - a paper plate).

The paper plate must have been dropped by a youngling from the 14th floor restaurant and landed in the guttering causing this mess. It was a bit inconvenience to my day but pretty cool to watch whilst eating my lunch.

I've got some video footage below. sorry it's a bit dark but we had to turn the lights off just encase anyone got electrocuted.

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