Monday 30 September 2013

My last day at ILA Vietnam

So yesterday was my last day at ILA and I had to say 'goodbye' to all my classes and friends. I've met so many wonderful people and students here that it was had to do. 

My intermediate junior class
 I had a full day of lessons (8 hours of teaching) so was busy, however after doing this for two years its not stressful, just long. My three remaining classes were all junior classes ranging from 6 years old to 11 years old.

My beginner juniors class
I will really miss teaching children. At my new school there are only adults. The schedule will be different too. At ILA I work very long weekends and only two weekdays for two hours. RMIT will be Monday to Friday with weekends off work. So more like a normal job.

My beginners class
If anyone is reading this and thinking of teaching. I would highly recommend this place for a teacher starting out. Naturally you must like children but the opportunities for development are amazing, it's great fun and socially it's amazing too. 

I'll always remember my time at ILA. I know from my working life up until now that it is very difficult to find a job you love. I think this is the first job I can say without hesitation that I've thoroughly enjoyed.

Anyway, time to look forward to a week off before starting at my new school on 7th October - RMIT University.

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