Monday 23 September 2013

Saying goodbye to my jumpstart class

Although I have one more weekend at ILA before having a week off and starting my new job at RMIT I sadly had to say goodbye to my jumpstart class yesterday.
My jumpstart class
I've been teaching them for 18 months from the very first level that the schools offers over four courses. In this time it's amazing how much English they have learnt and how much they have grown. They all started as 4 years old and are now 5 and 6.
A great class that I will miss - spot the twins!
I'm having to give the class up a week early as the course they are studying finishes so it's a good point for a new teacher to take over. For the last lesson we have an end of course party where the teacher buys lots of goodies for the kids and play games so it's good fun.
Showing off the cake
As I've had the class for so long and I'm leaving my teaching assistant, who I've worked with all this time, bought me a cake to say goodbye. We had some photos taken and all ate the cake. The cakes here in Vietnam are a bit different. They're very creamy and have strange things inside. This one had what I thought was nuts but it actually turned out to be sweetcorn. I was surprised that this actually worked quite well in a cake.
As you can see the kids are lovely and I will miss them. Next weekend I will say goodbye to all my other classes.
Two of my students who have been in my class since the beginning
The cake

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