Saturday 14 February 2015

TET holiday - Hon Tre Island

So tomorrow I'm off to a very small Island called Hon Tre to spend it with a Vietnamese family. Its not on the tourist map. Its about 10 miles off the coast of the Mekong Delta.

Bus route from Ho Chi Minh City to Rach Gia where we get the boat

Hon Tre Island - very small

We are getting a bus. We had to buy the tickets weeks ago because at TET everyone goes home so demand is very high. You can see from the pictures I took from Google maps that the Island is barely 2 miles across. They don't get any western visitors. There is nothing to do, there are no shops and you can't go to the beach as its just rocks. There are literally a number of houses either side of a small road then jungle in the middle. I will be spend pretty much all the time laying in a hammock reading.

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