Saturday 21 February 2015

Mosquitoes and bugs on Hon Tre

Leaving Hon Tre today. One thing about living so close to the jungle are the bugs. For some reason I seem to get bitten more than other people by mosquitoes. If I'm in a room of ten people and there is one mosquito, it will bite me. Now I'm pretty good at keeping mosquitoes out of my house at home but here, being next to the jungle, it's very difficult. I slept under a mosquito net and applied repellent but still got feasted upon.

As you can see the picture above is of the back of my arm. There are about 20 bites in total, both mosquitoes and god knows what else. This is just my arm, my feet and ankles are also covered in them. I'm guessing I've got around 60 bites in total. This has forced me to spend the last day out of the hammock and on my bed under the mosquito net as my skin itches so much. No one else in the house has been bitten. The mosquitoes must have thought it was Christmas when I visited.

Anyway, like I said, back home today.

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