Friday 20 February 2015

Hon Tre Island for TET 2015

So, we left Rach Gia nice and early and got to Hon Tre Island which is where I've been for the past few days. As I've said before its a very simple place with not much to do.

Most of my time was spent laying in a hammock and reading. Most of the people here spend their whole lives here so are not used to seeing outsiders and no one speaks English. For work most of the people are fishermen and farmers. As it was TET holiday not many people were working and with very little entertainment most of the men were drunk all the time. 

Laying in a hammock was fun but as I'm quite active after a while you do want to do other stuff. Going for a walk difficult as I'd get lots of hassle. The men, who were mostly drunk would look at me like they wanted a fight and everyone else would just stare and ask odd questions.

The other thing to do was walk through the jungle, this isn't fun, its full of bugs and hot. Saying this it wasn't all bad, the air was fresh and the family I was with were welcoming. It was also nice to see how simply people live.

two friendly locals wanted their photo taken, they were drunk, it was 11am

House on the rocks
The family I stayed with had some nice land and great fruit rowing on it. The photo below is of the pepper that is growing. There was also jack-fruit, star fruit, mangos and dragon fruit.

TET is a time where there is lots of religious stuff going on. Below is some food layed out as an offering to buddha, he didn't eat it.

So, going back to Ho Chi Minh City in the next few days. Then back to work next week.

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