Sunday 16 February 2014

Vietnamese Wedding

Today I went to a Vietnamese wedding. It was the wedding of a friend of a friend. Weddings are a bit different here which is refreshing to what I'm used to in England. They only have a service for the family in the afternoon then have a big meal in the evening. 

It was pretty interesting. There were about 300 people attending. We had a couple of speeches. Again its a bit different here, they only say a few words and there not designed to make people laugh, I could tell this even though they were in Vietnamese - short and sweet.

Before we had the food some guy came on stage and playe a violin. I think he comes as part of the package with the hotel which was nice. After this we were treated to a video made by the bride and groom shown on a big screen at the front of the room. It was a montage of lots of pictures and videos shown as some romantic songs played.

The food was good and we had a total of 7 courses. Lots and lots of seafood and free beer the just  like the last wedding I went to at about 9:30pm everyone started going home. No need to make excuses to leave Vietnamese wedding early. Another thing I like about the weddings here is that everyone just puts money in an envelope, nice and easy.

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