Monday 3 February 2014

Phuket, Thailand

We have spent the past 5 nights on the Island of Phuket in Thailand. The hotel we stayed at has been great. Its a very touristy place but when looking around the Island it is easy to see why. 

Me and my Mum
 There are a number of beautiful beaches around the Island with perfect sand and crystal clear water. There are also lots of roads that lead up into the hills which give you great views of the coastline.

Sunset from one of the beaches

We spent two days travelling around the Islands on motorbikes seeing the various beaches and also did a day trip to the Phi Phi Islands and Bamboo Island. Bamboo Island is one I went to before and it was just as amazing as the first time I went.

Bamboo Island

Phuket is definitely somewhere I'd come back to. Its got a bit of everything. Great food, good prices, entertainment, amazing beaches, trips, shops, great weather etc. Its' good to know I'm only a few hours away in HCMC. My parents loved it hear too and were as blown away as I was.

Orchid Garden
We're heading back to HCMC tomorrow for a few days to do some touristy stuff again before my parent fly back to England at the weekend.

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