Friday 7 February 2014

The last few days with my parents in HCMC

We have been doing a number of things in the past few days. We have visited the war museum, the Cu Chi tunnels (my third time) and went down the river on a boat whilst having dinner.

The boat we went on down the Saigon river
The boat trip was very enjoyable. We got to do it at sunset too and were treated to a 7 course dinner. The Cu Chi tunnels is a good trip but its been the same every time I've been.

My dad enjoying some Pho
So that's the end of our adventure and tomorrow my parents fly back to England. Its been a very enjoyable two weeks and nice to have spent some quality time with my parents. I am planning to go home next Christmas for a visit and my mates wedding so I will see them again in 10 months. We have done so much in 14 days and it feel like it been longer because of this. I feel quite happy that my parents got to see and do so many different things.

Sunset by the river on the boat
Anyway, its back to work on Monday

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