Sunday 2 March 2014

RMIT's highs school English speaking competitions

Recently I've been lucky enough to be a judge at RMIT's high school speaking competitions. Basically local schools get the chance to visit RMIT and see the facilities. During their visit they go to one of the lecture theatres and in their teams can speak for two minutes on what they want to do when they grow up and what they want to study. 

Big group photo. I'm in the bottom right corner

As I said I have now been to two of these events and have been part of a three judge panel where we give them feedback and decide which team wins.

Me with the winners
 Its been a great experience and something very different to what you see in England. The students are always up for having fun here.

During the event
I've added some photos of the events on this post. Not much else to report. I stopped going to Vietnamese lessons after 5 lessons, lets just say it wasn't working for me. I will try and start this again in the future at some point.

Deciding on the winners
Group photo with the winners

Giving feedback

A shot of the audience

Deciding on the winners

Two people doing their presentation

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