Sunday 23 March 2014

End of my semester and hanging out with my students

I've just come to the end of my second 10 week semester at RMIT. It's always a nice feeling when it comes to an end. The final week is exam week and the following week is a down week so I wont have a teaching schedule but will be on emergency cover.

After playing table tennis and football
On the Friday we have a 'fun day' where we basically hang out with the students. This is quite nice as you actually get to spend some time and relax with them a bit. I played table tennis and table football with mine then we spent some time playing cards.

Playing cards
They have been a nice class and I will miss them. I will see most of them around next semester as they will be progressing to the next level. I could have gone on holiday next week but have opted to save my holiday time for the end of the next 10 weeks when I should be able to have a two week break. I will definitely be going somewhere fun during this time!!!

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