Friday 16 November 2012

My Motorbike

Here is a picture of my motorbike. I've been riding it every day now for the past 5 months and its great fun! Not bad for $200.
It's a Honda wave and its red. I've no idea about any of its other specs and frankly don't care. I'm not sure how fast it goes for two reasons, firstly the speedo doesn't work and secondly getting the opportunities to drive faster than 30mph in the city are few and far between. It cost $3.50 to fill it up which lasts me about 10 days (35 cents a day). It's great fun driving around the city and parking your bike outside restaurant for free.
My motorbike
It's been pretty good to me so far. It did get a puncture a month or so back, I took it to some lady on the street to fix it. After overcharging me for a new innnertube she ending up not putting the brakes back properly which resulted in her doing more damage to the bike. This meant I had to get new back bits for my brakes from another chap just over the road from her. Though charades he suggested I should walk out the road and do harm to her for her incompetence (I didn't) This fiasco set me back about $20 - a lot cheaper than the highwayman at Renault Megane.
Not much else has happened as I've been doing lots of hours this week. I saw an albino Vietnamese chap which was good. Next week is my last week of teaching before my nice end of year break. Holiday planning is still in progress and now only one month until I fly to England!!!

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