Monday 10 December 2012

Flying back to England

Today is the day that I'm flying back to England. I'm leaving for the airport, which is only 20 minutes from my house, in a few hours time.
I'm flying with Emirates who I've flown with before and are very good. I fly from HCMC to Dubai, wait a couple of hours then get another plane to Gatwick.
Total flying time is about 15 hours and I arrive at about 7am London time. I come back to Ho Chi Minh City on 2nd January 2013.
Not sure how much updating of the blog I will do when I'm in England as the whole purpose was to let people know how I was getting on in Asia. I suppose now I will let people I know in Asia know how I'm getting on in England.
One thing I'm intested to see is how used to the heat I've got since I've been away. We will see....

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