Thursday 31 January 2013

Back in Vietnam

It's been over a month since I updated my blog and a lot has happened since. I went back to England for three weeks. It was great to visit family and friends and spend Christmas with my family. It was strange to be back in England after so long away. I think three weeks was long enough to catch up with everyone and at the end I was looking forward to starting work again.
Dubai Airport with the Burj Khalifa at the left side
I was a bit disappointed I didn't get to see any snow. Pretty much every day it rained and was grey and miserable. I used to really like the cooler weather but having been in Vietnam for so long I think I'm starting to prefer the heat.
I flew back to Vietnam on 2nd January and started working again on 5th January at ILA in Ho Chi Minh City. During Christmas my flatmate asked me if I'd consder moving back into the house I'd just moved out of for another year. As I liked the house (and thought it was better than going through the stress of looking for a place to live) I agreed.
The town of Bath in England during my visit
So, I've been working again for the past three weeks. I've been given so adult classes at ILA which I didn't previously have as well as children's classes at the weekend.
Not much else has been happening. I did enter a 16 man / woman charity poker tournament the other day and come third which was good.
In two weeks its the Vietnamese holiday of TET which is their equivalent of Christmas. I'm going to visit a small Island off the South West of Vietnam where I plan to lay in a hammock and read for 10 days.

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