Wednesday 6 February 2013

Nearly time for TET

I'm well back into the swing of working. I've got lots of classes at my school and I'm busy. At the end of this week however is the Vietnamese holiday of TET which is a bit like their Christmas where they also celebrate the Chinese new year. This means my school will be closed to 6 days!!!!
My school logo viewed from our teachers room balcony
During this time I'm going to a very small Vietnamese Island to the south west of Vietnam. There won't be much to do except relax. I'm going with some Vietnamese people and not may western people have been to this Island. I'm also told I maybe the first Englishman to visit the Island.... I'm not sure if this is true though.
The post office, a nice building and also a tourist attraction
I'll try and get a picture of the Island. I looked on google maps but it doesn't even show it on there so it must be pretty remote.

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