Thursday 7 February 2013

TET Holiday, Vietnam

I've now finished work until a week on Friday because of the Vietnamese holiday of TET. Tomorrow I am taking a night busy to Rach Gia on the south west coast of Vietnam where I will take a ferry to a place called 'Bamboo Island' where I will be for the next 6 days. Its supposed to be very remote (no internet access) whith not much to do except relax. I shall get some photos for the blog when I'm back.
As its TET they sell lots and lots of flowers in the park. I went and looked at some today and they were very nice. It did present a good opportunity for taking pictures with people getting them home on bikes so below is a load of photos I took this morning for people carrying stuff on bikes.
Tall flowers on the back of a bike
Flower delivery man
Traditional bike threesome with flowers
No room on the bike so this box is on the womans head
Check out this guy - paper for the office??

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