Wednesday 8 June 2011


A long Journey
Travelled from Krabi to a place called Ayuthaya yesterday. This involved taking the coach from Krabi to Bangkok which took a total of 14 hours then a train from Bangkok to Ayuthaya taking a further 3 hours. Wasn't looking forward to the journey but it went relatively smoothly. This time I packed a survival guide in the form of a tube of pringles to keep me going and to stop me getting grumpy.... It worked pretty well. We were dumped in Bangkok at which appeared to be at a random location of the bus drivers choice at 5am in the middle of a thunderstorm. I managed to get a taxi to take me to the train station surprisingly easily. One benefit of being dropped at 5am is that all the tailored suit shops were closed so any taxi driver couldn't try to take me shopping which is a constant problem for all tourists in Bangkok.

Arrived in Ayuthaya and found accomodation relatively easy. I hired a bike which was recommended in the lonely planet guide to see the sights of the town. There are some pretty impressive ruins and Watts here. The city used to be the Royal Capital many years ago until it was moved to Bangkok due to contant attacks from the Burmese. I assume they moved to Bangkok since they knew the Burmese would not want to go anywhere near that place for fear of being hussled into buying tailored suits.

Wat Chaiwatthanaram
In the evening I went on a boat cruise with some other people I met at the guest house where I'm staying. The town in basically on an Island and the cruise went around its perimeter.  This was pretty nice & chilled and I got to see the town from a different angle. After we went to a night market for some dinner time russian roulette then for a few chilled drinks near our hostel.

Moving again tomorrow to a place called Sukhothai for some more Thai culture, I think this is only a 6 hour journey before moving to Chiang Mai in a few days time.

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