Friday 3 June 2011


Left Ko Phangan yesterday and made my way to Krabi. The journey consisted of getting a taxi to the Islands pier, then ferry to the mainland and finally a coach to Krabi. The journey took approx 8 hours.

Most of the people on the ferry, like myself, had been out all night at the black moon party the night before. knowing I had a big day ahead of me I didn't stay too late and didn't drink too much. Seeing the pain and suffering in the other passengers eyes was enough to convince me I'd made the right call on that one - I put that down to experience.

Night market - 'dodgy tummy russian roulette'

When I arrived I booked into the hostel and went to get some food at the nightmarket. Nightmarkets are a good idea and most Thai people seem to eat at them as opposed to cooking at home. Ive had mixed experiences with them so far, about half the time they've given me a dodgy tummy but the food is still tasty and very cheap.

Krabi is a good place as they do lots of tours to the Islands, ive booked myself onto a tour of a group of Islands tomorrow.

View from the hostel window
One thing Im still getting used to is how quickly the weather changes here. I left the hostel in sunshine this morning and was worried that I hadn't put enough sunscreen on only for literally 5 minutes later the sky to turn black and heavy rain to set in.

The rain was so heavy that everyone just stopped what they were doing and took cover

It was still very hot and its a strange sensation to be wet from the rain but also from sweating at the same time too.

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