Wednesday 1 June 2011

Ko Phangan

Sunset Beach
I’m about to stay for my fifth and last night on the Island of Ko Phangan. I’ve been staying at this nice resort with a couple of people who I met on Ko Samui but as there are lots of other people doing the same thing I’ve been able to meet and chat to lots of other travellers, a number of them have also taught English in various countries so it’s been good to hear their stories and ask advice. There is not much sightseeing to do here so just trying to relax at the moment.

Ko Phangan to Krabi
It does appear that this Island is like ‘Asia’s Ibiza’ with parties going on every night till the very early hours. There is a ‘black moon’ party tonight (any excuse for a party) which is scheduled to go on till 10am. We have been going to the beach for a few nights which have parties with people doing entertainment with fire sticks. It has been fun and I’ve done my best to keep up (well sort of) but I’m partied out so a change of scene is in order. I’m off to Krabi tomorrow and them onto Ko Phi Phi. 

Also learnt that all Thai people are amazing at connect 4, I’m not sure if it’s in their national curriculum but they play it everywhere, at bars, on the beach and they always win. I think a lot of them use it as a way of making money which is not a bad idea.... I may get good and start hussling around Bournemouth town centre on a Friday night.

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