Wednesday 7 November 2012

Kids on bikes

In a lot of places in Vietnam there are dangerous things that we would never consider doing in the west but are pretty normal for most people here, there are lots of examples and you see all the time but today I thought I'd so a special edition of the blog called 'kids on bikes'.
I've got some good photos of kids being put on bikes that would probably make front page news in England. Sorry for the quality of some of the photos but I had to take them whilst on the back of a bike which was moving, which is itself pretty dangerous.
The first picture is the familiar 'foursome', this is a whole family on the bike. It's surprisingly common to see four people on a bike. I have seen five before but this is quite rare. Notice the lack on space means the kid in the middle has to stand up and of course there are no helmets for the kids.
Positives are they're only using one bike which is good for the environment.
Front seat kid with hoody helmet
The second picture is the front seat kid. This one does not have a traditional helmet but has instead gone for an all on one jacket with hood.
Lot of families build a high chair in the front of the bike for the kids which is very clever and more comfortable for the child.
The kids do look like they enjoy the front seat view around the city.

I don't do helmets
This is probably my personal favourite photo. This guy just doesn't do helmets. Not for him nor the family. 
He's got that look on his face that he doesn't really care what people think either. The kid here is in the traditional front seat position and looks quite comfortable.

The lady is also in the traditional side saddle position due to wearing a skirt. Also very common to see this and quite sensible.

Small child
The final picture is of a very small baby being carried on the bike. Due to wriggling around alot he's kept in the middle to keep him safe. Again no helmet but a white hoody.
Sorry for the poor quality on this one but they were driving quit fast and we couldn't catch them up.
I have seen better ones but its all about timing and having a camera available to get a picture. I've seen three dogs on a bike before which was pretty cool. We watched them get on the bike, they all knew where to sit as they'd just been for a walk and were loving it. My mate as also seen a lady breast feeding on the back on the bike which is pretty unique.
Only three more weeks of work, then two weeks holiday and then back to England for three weeks.


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