Tuesday 30 October 2012

Halloween poster competition

The finished poster
The Halloween poster competition has been taking place over the past few weeks. Each of the junior classes had to make a Halloween poster where prizes would be awarded to the best three. As this was my second year in the competition I wanted to win a prize which I sadly failed to do last year.
My class are a bit older than the other junior classes which I hoped would give me the edge of the other teachers. I thought my poster was pretty good, It was a big house with ghosts in the windows and a big spire with a clock on it and lots of pumpkins in the graveyard in front of the house but sadly, for a second year running, I didn't win a prize.
Making the poster
The kids were, in most cases, pretty good and helpful. Some of them were intent on just mucking about and not helping which did try my patients during the project management process. I think I'm just going to have to come to terms with the fact that I'm not very creative.
We also had the haunted house this past week which was pretty good. It basically a big room made up to look like a haunted house which has loads of teachers dressed up with the sole purpose of terrifying the kids. It was pretty cooI and very creative.
My class with my teaching assistant
I covered one class of 10 / 11 year olds at the weekend who were really scared and just grabbed me the whole way round. When I took one class to the haunted house, one young kid had come out so scared that he puked all over the floor. I think the objective to scare the kid was a success in that case.


  1. Joel, The haunted house did scare me well! It's good but too scary. :)

    So glad that you did enjoy here.

  2. Mr competitive! How good was the winning poster?

  3. I'm not sure how good the winning poster was. After loosing I wasn't interested in looking at it.
