Friday 12 October 2012

Crazy Traffic Videos

Thought I'd upload a few videos that I took recently whilst travelling on the back of a motorbike. They show how crazy the traffic is in the city.  These were taken around the time of the mid autumn festival so shows the city at its most manic.
Currently my lectures finish at 5:30pm and its rush hour. Rush hour is always pretty mental. Most people use motorbikes so although its bumper to bumper and slow the traffic still moves. There are a lot of 'amber gamblers' in HCMC on motorbikes but usually it works ok as people anticipate this, however when cars try it its a different story as they get stuck in the junctions dude to not being quick enough and work as a road block of all the motorbikes. Usually at this point its gridlocked and one of the traffic police has to come along and sort it out. This usually involves waving a stick and blowing a whistle but it does seem to work.
Driving around the city when its busy is still an amazing experience. You see so much crazy stuff. The city is so alive and fun. I'm talking about riding with a few makes from HCMC to Dalat in the hills in November, then to Mui Ne and maybe Nha Trang over 5 days which would be awesome. It's still not confirmed but there is a good chance it will happen.

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