Friday 19 October 2012

Nearly Halloween

Some traffic police taking a well deserved rest
I'm coming to the end of my teaching e-commerce. Next week will be my last week at ERC until at January so I will have some more free time. As I've said before I will be working at only one of my schools after next week until 26th November when I stop work and have a 6 week holiday in Asia and England.
As I've been working not much exciting stuff has been happening. Halloween in upon us and we have a Halloween party soon. We also have the traditional poster competition at the school which I'd like to do well in this year.
Balls on the back of a bike
Also a few more of my mates are leaving in the next few weeks so there will be a few leaving parties to attend.
Quite sad saying goodbye to people but it kind of goes with the job. Some of them are going home and others are looking to go and work in Europe and South America, it all sounds quite exciting and something I could do in the future.
I'll make sure I get some pictures of my Halloween posters that my kids make and put them on the blog.

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