Monday 27 August 2012

Balloon day at ILA

My class of 'jumpstarts'
Last Sunday was a special day for my class of 4 and 5 year old children at ILA. The balloon modelling man came to the school. Halfway through the lesson I took them to a room where a man had made lots and lots of different balloons. Before going I taught them how to say 'one balloon please', as you can imagine they were really happy to get given a balloon. Most of the boys opted for a sword and the girls for a flower.
I thought it was a good chance to take some pictures of my students.
I've had this class since April and for a lot of them it was their first time in a classroom. I must say they are an absolute pleasure and joy to teach. They are all keen to learn, all want to play and they laugh at anything. I usually teach them about 5 words a lesson and play games around the new words for an hour before getting them to do some colouring in. We also do lots of singing and colouring in pictures. Its great fun and at times I can't believe I get paid to just play around for two hours.
It's so rewarding because you see them learn every week and know its because of what you have taught them. This class has about 14 students and they all play nicely together. 
I hurt my shoulder in class yesterday, I made the mistake of picking one of them up and throwing them in the air. The others saw this and all wanted a turn. After about 20 lifts I got a pain in my shoulder and think I pulled a muscle, it hurts today so I may think twice before doing that again.

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