Friday 24 August 2012

Big house flood

Me and my flatmates were chatting the other day about how little rain we've had in the rainy season compared to last year. Its not rained for days. This changed a couple of evening back..... big time.
I'd just walked to one of my favourite Vietnam eateries - Pizza Hut when it started raining, it got heavier and heavier and more intense, then it started thunder and lightening too. It got worse and worse and just kept going. The street was flooded but as it wasn't stopping so after about 30 minutes I though it take a drenching and walk home.
When I got home our ground floor was flooded. The water was coming from the top floor. I took this video footage attached of our living room. You can see the waterfall like water coming from the roof and down the stairs.
It appears our top floor drain got overwhelmed and blocked so when I went to the top floor it was covered in water and flowing off the balcony into the house and down the stairs.
Only one of my other flatmate was is who I awoke from his sleep and we started filling buckets of water from the roof and trying to unblock the drain in the middle of the thunder storm. It wasn't very sensible as we were stood in a few inches of water with lightening above us.
We must have filled about 80 buckets before the rain stopped and we got it under control. We then did the same to my other flatmates room after as we noticed the water was coming up through her balcony drain and flowing back into her room.
We then had to clean up the house which took us only a few hours which was pretty quick considering the mess. Nothing got ruined so it was ok and it was quite a good bonding experience with my flatmates. Its a good job we didn't have carpets but then its probably one of the reasons they don't have carpets in Vietnam.

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