Thursday 9 August 2012

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I've just got back from a four day trip to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. I flew from Ho Chi Minh City airport to the city with Air Asia which took about 1h 30mins.

Its a nice city with some good things to see. It's alot more modern that HCMC which was quite nice but at the same time it still has some good old areas with street food. We had a nice hotel which was near a city monorail which could take use to the busy areas pretty quickly.

Me by the Petronas Towers
There was a little India and Chinatown, which had some good old buildings as well as some more modern areas that had skyscrapers. Its also the city which has the Petronas Towers which are one of the biggest buildings in the world. They were pretty impressive.

We spent most of the four days going around the city looking at stuff. We spent one day in a park which was pretty cool. It had lots of jungle forest and looked like the place in Jurassic park.

Sultan Abdul Samad Building
The shopping malls here are pretty amazing, there is lots of them and they are huge. You could probably spend most of the day looking around them. I think four days was enough to see the whole city. It's somewhere I'd like to go back to at some point in the future and I'd definitly want to see more of Malaysia.

I've added a few videos below. One of them is showing the Petronas Towers and the other is of a view from the Kuala Lumpur tower which is a communications tower but very tall and one of the biggest in the world.

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