Friday 7 September 2012

1 year teaching

Sunset at out house
On the first of September it was exactly one year since I started working at ILA. It feels quite nice to have done one full year of teaching and I've learnt so much in this time. I've signed a new part time contract at my school, they asked me to sign a new full time contract but I'm happy working part time in two schools at the moment. 

I'm pretty certain I will be coming back to England over Christmas, Our one year contract expires at our house on 20th September, we've decided to stay for two more months and then I'm going to move out. 

Sunset at my house
The timing is pretty perfect for me as it means I can move back to the guest house which I stayed at when I first came to Vietnam before stopping work at the end of November. I'll then go on a two week holiday and then coming back to England for Christmas. I'm planning to come back to Vietnam in early January and starting work again.

It will be nice to use the time to over Christmas to reflect on the past 18 months and make decisions about the next few years. At the moment I don't feel I've missed England so I can't see me moving back there in the near future.

As Ive been working so hard I've not really done much fun stuff. I'm still both teaching English and lecturing e-commerce. Only news is that we have a new beehive at our house. They've made it on our ladder on the roof of our house which is good because it means burglars can't use it to break in!

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