Friday 21 September 2012

Flights booked home for Christmas

End of course party with my class
Today I booked my flights home to England for Christmas. My flight leaves Ho Chi Minh City on 10th December and arrives in Gatwick on 11th December. I've booked my return flight for 3rd January. At this point it will be a week short of 19 months away from England.
I finish my semester at one school on 2nd November and will not return there until the new year. My last working day at my other school is on Sunday 25th November which will give me two weeks to go for a pre holiday holiday and to sort my stuff out. 
As usual I've not done much exciting stuff. I'm just working hard and saving as much as I can before the end of the year. Pictures this week come from my class I have at the weekend. This is my class of 11-12 year olds. There English is quite good. At the end of the course there is a party. I put them into groups and told them they had 30 minutes to build a tower that can hold as many sweets as possible. There was a height requirement and they were only allowed to use 10 sheets of A4 paper and a small supply of sticky tape.
I made one too and I'm pleased to report I beat all the kids! My tower held 33 sweets until someone threw a shoe at it and knocked it over.One of the other towers did hold more sweets but I disqualified them for using too much paper and tape. My game, my rules.
Also, one of my 4 year old student's parents bought me a present the other day. Two very large grapefruits from her home town. I needed some help in preparing them but they were very tasty.

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