Saturday 3 March 2012

The Saigon 5-a-side Cup.

Stella bar on Bui Vien
This week has been a fun sporty week. It started off with Tuesday night darts. This week we were against No Star Where at Stella bar in district 1. As I had to work I turned up late and the team was already 4-0 down. I then played doubles against their two best players which I'm happy to say we won 2-1! I checked out once in the win. I then had my singles match against a chap who was pretty good. I played some good darts, scoring pretty high but sadly I couldn't seem to check out and he caught me up and beat me 2-0. My second defeat of the season! I'm now 2-2 for the season.

Darts at Stella with WAGs sat at the bar

Our team lost the match 8-4. It was pretty disappointing but they weren't a bad team. Losings not very nice and it inspires me to try harder so me and my flatmates have up our training at home.
This week was also the 5-a-side competition called the Saigon cup arranged by my school ILA. 11 teams entered the tournament. I'd got into a team with some of my mates from ILA and we were confident in doing well.
We were put in a group with two other teams the first game we drew 2-2 and going into the second game we only needed a draw to get through. We were 1-0 up at half time but some how managed to mess up and loose 3-1. It was very disappointing as I thought we were better than both the teams in our group. If that wasn't bad enough both the teams got through to the semi finals and one even got to the final. Saying that I didn't play very well. I'm sure I've cracked a bone in my foot from a few weeks ago and although Ive rested it for two weeks it still wasn't right.
As they were short on referees I volunteered to help and made the final - that's the only way I was going to make it there... as referee. Out of the 11 teams that entered two were Vietnamese and both made it to the final. I don't know what that says about the state of British football. Perhaps it was the 35 degree heat, perhaps it was the cr@pness, I'm guessing the latter. So it was a sporty week that came with the familiar crushing feeling of disappointment but with an undercurrent of fun. Apart from that I've been sleeping, working and eating.

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