Thursday 15 March 2012

Honey bees!

Honey Bees.
As promised, here are some pictures of the honey bees on our top balcony. As you can see there working away at making some honey. They've been here for a few weeks now. We have been told by the locals that if you have honey bees it means your wealthy, we've also been told that if we get too close they'll start stinging. As I said before we're going to try and live together in harmony but if they start stinging then BOOM - we'll show them the door. We've been told that the way you get rid of them is to smoke them out. We had a bbq last week and when the smoke went near them they did start moving around so a closer fire should work.

Ho Chi Min Honey!
For the time being we will keep them, I want to see if we can to get the honey but not sure if it will be possible. We may have to get in a bee expert to help us or at least one of those bee suits which might cost more than actually just buying some honey from the shops.  I will monitor the situation of the coming weeks and provide updates when I have news. I'm told it will take about 3 months to be ready but if you leave it too long the nest can go dry. Also in the rainy season which comes in July they will fly away anyway.

The Blue Gecko darts team!

Bad news on the darts front. My recent good form lead me to be matched up with the best player from the opposition this week. Although I won and played well in my doubles game I lost my singles game. The guy was good and got some heavy scores. I had my chances though so can't complain. We drew the match 6-6 which was quite exciting as after being 4-3 up we went 4-6 down but won the last two matches. Team spirit was high and it was a fun night.

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