Wednesday 2 November 2011

A night to remember at the Blue Gecko

Victory at last!
1st November 2011 at the Blue Gecko will be a night to remember. It was the night it happened; I finally won my first singles darts match. I beat the guy 2-0 – it was a pretty comfortable win too. I checked out on the 3rd dart in the first leg (double 16) and in the second leg he’d only just got to an out shot when I finished (double 2).  Unfortunately as a team we didn’t do very well and lost the match 9-2, our opponents were pretty good and third in the league, but as you can imagine, I was pretty happy.

ILA Halloween party at Traders bar
All that practice at the Boston bar has started paying dividends – something I’ve not seem from my RBS shares in a while.
I went to a Halloween party last Sunday night. As my hair style resembles the grim reapers I decided it would be best to go as him. I managed to get some death robes, a scythe and some face paints at a shop that had set up outside the school. It was a good party and there were some very creative costumes. It was strange having a Halloween party when it’s really hot. This caused a few problems with the face paint running but it was still a good night.
A hard day at work - I'm not sure but think he repairs bikes
I’m still working very hard so not much fun things to report. I went for a coffee the other day which gave me a good view of the traffic. I took the attached pictures which may be of interest. It shows some of the things people carry on the back of their bikes. I’m starting to meet a few other characters in and around the place I live. I’ve noticed there is a lady who walks around in her pyjamas (a lot of the women do this) but this one is always carrying a briefcase. I’m not sure why or where she’s going but it might be worth following her one day.

Mr clean is not Mr safety

I should have a bit more free time towards the end of the week so will go and see swearing man in the park tomorrow or Friday. I’ll let you know what he’s been doing.

Rice man

Some of the people you see.

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