Friday 28 October 2011

HCMC, new job and darts

Darts night.... the high and low point of my week

Had another darts match this past tuesday, it was an away fixture at the M52 bar in downtown HCMC and in my singles match I was matched against another lady...... This was my chance to restore some male pride after my defeat a few weeks back. However there are no fairytails in Saigon league darts and I'm sad to report I lost again.

The small piece of good news was that did win one leg and she checked out on her first and second darts in the games she won so I shouldn't be too down. The bar was also well decked out in halloween stuff which would have made Ted Hanky feel welcome.

The night got worse though when after the matches the bar girl who was scoring my match earlier that evening challenged me to a game and proceeded to kick my butt 4-1. You can be pretty sure happy hours over when even the bar girl beats you. The only way the night could have got worse was if I was mugged on the way home by a girl. Not wanting to tempt fate, I took a taxi. Ladys 3, Me 0.

M52 bar in HCMC

Apart from this ive been working pretty hard. I started my new job which is going well but very time consuming. Ive not had any time to go running in the park and chat to swearing man. I will try and do this next week. It will be good to here what he's been up to and see how his swearing vocabs coming along.

I do have some good news to finish the blog. I had a drink brought for me the other day which was made from sugar cane! which solves the mystery of exactly who buys SCMs sugar cane. 

What they do is crush the sugar cane and it comes out as a white liquid. I tried it and it tasted like orange juice.... I pointed this fact out to the person who brought it for me who said that its because they orange juice in it, which begs the question, why not just drink orange juice?

Despite SCMs hostility towards me last time I saw him I don't want to put him out of business so will keep that to myself.

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