Sunday 23 October 2011

Working in HCMC.... a second job....... and darts


So, Im now well into working in HCMC and teaching English. As I was only on a part time contract at my school ive been looking at getting some additional work and this week I got a second job at a business school called ERC

They have offered me the opportunity to teach some business English and e-commerce and e-business to the under graduates for the next semester. This will be great experience for me and something to add to the CV in addition to the teaching English to young learners.

My juniors class with their poster

I was pretty pleased that one of the reason I got the job at the new school was because of the Banking qualifications I'd taken at RBS.

Working at ILA is good fun. I didn't realise how popular halloween is here. This past week we have been making posters about halloween which is a pretty good way to spend a few hours. There is a competition and I think all the teachers want their class to win.

As my art skills are not that great there is not much I can do to help except go and schmooze with the judges.

Our Halloween poster

I have some more fantastic news. I won my first darts match, albeit not in the way I wanted. I was in two games last week. A doubles and a singles. We comfortably won our doubles game and in my single match the chap I was due to play was not registered so got disqualified so I won by disqualification.. You've got to start somewhere!!!

Apart from that ive been working hard most of the time. Ive been going to the cinema which is nice and cheap and running in the park. Swearing man clocks me whenever I go there now and talks to me for as long as I let him.

Me with sugar cane man
However he's a nice guy and its quite nice to have a chat with the locals. Most mornings now I see people working out with swords... Yep, full on swords, swinging them around and doing all sorts of moves. This beats the fan dancers as my new favourite workout.

My 'picture of the week' this week is this one I got my mate to snap with sugar cane man. SKM saw what I was up to and said something angrily to me in Vietnamese, he didn't look to happy so I smiled and walked away. I don't think I'll be trying that again.

1 comment:

  1. i think you now have to buy a sugar cane to make it upto SCM for taking tourist photos of him ! No idea what you'd do with it though!
