Wednesday 9 November 2011

Views of our house, the talented local and darts.

The dart board installed on the 7th floor of out house

The Stella bar on Bui Vien in the heart of the backpacker area was the next stop for my darts rollercoaster adventure. This team are third in the league so it would be a tough evening. I didn’t arrive in time for a doubles match due to work but was put into the singles matches.  After the high of last week I’m pleased to report that I won again!!!! the dream continues!!!!! It was a 2-1 victory after being 1-0 down. Sadly our team took a bit of a pasting and we lost 10-2.

HCMC from our roof garden. Bitexico tower in the distance.

Some more good news is that we have a dart board installed on the 7th floor at our house so I’ll be able to get some more practice in – see the attached pictures!
Still working hard but the business school I work at is closed next week so I’ve applied for some time off from ILA to go on a 3 day road trip. The options at the moment are the Mekong Delta, Dalat or the beach. I’m going to look into this more towards the end of the week. It will be nice to write something different from the darts, SW and SCM.

The very talented local.

I went on a night out this weekend with my teacher buddies. We went to a restaurant where one of the locals showed us his talent (see picture). He could play the harmonica but not just that, he could play it through his nose whilst drinking a glass of beer. If ‘Vietnams got talent’ rolls into town  think he could get on their show, however I fear its one of those acts which is amusing for a minute then it gets a bit samey.

Looking down our house staircase - 7 floors!

I’ve not been to the park for a week or so but  bumped into swearing man (SM) hanging out on our street a few days back. He said he had not seen me for a while and asked if it was because he talks to me too much!!! I was shocked and re-assured him it was because I was busy and will make more effort to come down in the mornings.
Keeping good on my promise I went to the park yesterday and SM was there as usual. It turns out he wants to try and set me up on a date with an Amercan woman he knows who belongs to the martial arts group that trains in the park. Not sure how to handle that one. He was in good spirits though and was pleased to see me; we had a chat and went our separate ways.

My favourite VN food Pho Bo - beef noodle soup

Dart board view from our rooftop garden

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