Thursday 17 November 2011

Darts season finishes and a visit to Ho Chi Minh City zoo

HCMC Zoo and gardens

Darts this week was a home fixture at the Blue Gecko and I’m sad to report was the last match of my first rollercoaster season. I didn’t know darts leagues had seasons but they do. It might be a bit late for me to make it to the lakeside this year but there’s always next year. Our opponents were bottom of the league and had only won one game this season so we were expecting an early Christmas present by giving them a whooping. Sadly they didn’t turn up so we won via a walk over.

Museum in the gardens. I didn't go in

The new season starts in February which gives me plenty of time to practice. I’ve no idea what I’m going to be writing about on my blog now darts season is over.
I had planned to go on a trip this week but due to having too much e-commerce work to do I’m not going to be able to. I think my next holiday won’t be until mid-January which seems like a long time away I’m sure it will come around quickly. I‘ll be able to have a good break then.

Grumpy white tiger

I went to HCMC botanical gardens and zoo this week. I can’t remember the last time I went to a zoo so wanted to go and see some animals despite being a bit uneasy about how they might be being looked after. Overall it was pretty good. They had a nice variety of animals like rhinos, giraffes, elephants, crocodiles, tigers, hippos, pythons. Also the gardens were nice to walk around. It was good to get away from the city.

Lazy crocs - not very entertaining

I haven’t seen swearing man since last week. I did go for a run in the park but he wasn’t there which is unusual for him. I hope he’s ok.
There are a lot of shops selling Christmas decorations now which is strange to see as I walk down the road sweating. I did chuckle at the ‘let it snow’ sign – I’m thinking that might be asking a bit much. At the moment id settle for ‘let the temperature drop under 20 degrees’, doesn’t really roll off the tongue though.

Lady cleaner at the gardens

Also just realised today is 6 months to the day since I flew from London to Bangkok (May 17th). I can't believe its been that long! Looking back its been quite an amazing 6 months. Ive seen and done so much as well as learning new skills and more about myself.

I'm still enjoying what im doing and still have lots to learn. I'm starting Vietnamese lessons next week which im looking forward to. It will be great to try and learn the local language.

Rhino at the zoo - he seemed happy

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